I recently bought The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass with some gas money, and I am happy to say that I am not disappointed. I have yet to finish the game, but sources tell me that I am towards the beginning of the game still.
The game features a familiar Link-based story. This particular Link appears to be the same one from The Windwaker however. Those who played the Windwaker will remember Tetra, the pirate-lass-turned-princess, who makes a return as the damsel in distress in the .... sequel?
I had misgivings as to the quality of a Windwaker sequel keeping up to par on a hand-held system. With a style so unique and graphics-heavy, I worried that the game would pale (or fail) in comparison to the previous entry in the series. I am happy to say I was surprised.
The game fits into the dual-screened, minimized, style of the DS fantastically. The graphics are decent, the sound is great Zelda music, and even the controls are... decent. I was iffy initially with the entire touch-screen controls, but later came to love them (along with most of the things in the game). At times the controls felt clumsy and I swung a sword when I meant to walk or I did a spin attack instead of roll, but I really can't complain that much.
Another big complaint of mine is the difficulty factor of the game. Hopefully it will scale up as I play, but I really can't see that happening. I constructed this handy graph here to show my experiences with the level of difficulty (and definitely did not copy it from a physics lab...)

Check it out, Phantom Hourglass is a great Zelda game in a string of phenomenal pieces of game-art.
Until Next Time, Live Long and Prosper _\\//
1 comment:
hahahah i love the chart that "is not copied from a physics notebook"
keep up the good work
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