I love this game and wish more people I knew played it. It seems like playing alone is half of the fun, but getting a party of adventurers would triple the game's fun. The classes, though few in
The Hunter faction consists of the Marksman and the Engineer. The Marksman is a pretty generic sniper/rifleman. Playing as a marksman makes the game seem like a pretty solid FPS until a message comes up saying "Level up!" The skills expand on the gameplay and make it entertaining to no end. Being able to throw a grenade that increases in damage as you play the game may seem slightly uneventful until you add new combat stances and robot minion types as well.
Finding and customizing new weapons make the class infinitely more entertaining as you acquire new upgrades for your very own, tailor made BFG. Perhaps my personal favorite part of weapon customization is the visual change weapons go through as you upgrade them. You can SEE the new battary or scope or ammo type that you put onto your gun, making your character even MORE unique.
The wonderful folks at Massively.com wrote up a bit about the classes that I would be hard-pressed to outshine.
Until next time
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